
Hi, I’m Marcelo. I currently work as a Design Engineer at a small company that does a lot of electronics. For privacy reasons, I’m not gonna elaborate too much. I studied Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, CO. The reason I decided to double major was because I figured that having the knowledge of computers will be imperative in any industry. I see many universities requiring their STEM non-CS students be proficient in programming. As time goes on, this will become more of standard and every STEM major graduate will most likely know at least one programming language. But I digress, I created this blog in order to improve myself–not only as a professional but also as a human being. The posts that will be part of this blog will include different weekend projects that I’m working on as well as my musings about life. And maybe some book reviews as well.

Another reason I started this blog was to organize myself a bit better (not that I’m disorganized or anything…) and simply document some of the things that I work on. I also need to improve on my writing skills. A lot of people say that engineers are not the best writers, so I will try my best in getting rid of that stereotype.


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